
Opening hours and consular district


With the exception of German and British Bank Holidays, the Consulate General is open from Monday to Friday to provide certain consular services.

Please bear in mind that appointments must be made in advance for all consular matters!

Passports/ID cards can be collected on Wednesdays between 1:30 pm and 2:15 pm. No appointment necessary for collection.

Should you have questions about consular matters that are not answered on our website, you can contact us by phone from Monday to Thursday between 2pm and 3pm.

The Consulate General will be closed on the following public holidays:


Wednesday, 1 JanuaryNew Year's Day
Thursday, 2 January
Scottish New Year's Holiday
Friday, 18 April
Good Friday
Monday, 21 April
Easter Monday
Thursday, 1 May
Labour Day
Thursday, 8 May80th anniversary of the liberation from National Socialism
Monday, 26 MayScottish Spring Bank Holiday
Thursday, 29 May
Ascension Day
Monday, 9 June
Whit Monday
Monday, 4 August
Scottish Summer Bank Holiday
Friday, 3 October
Day of German Unity
Wednesday, 24 DecemberChristmas Eve
Thursday, 25 December
Christmas Day
Friday, 26 December
Boxing Day
Wednesday, 31 DecemberNew Year's Eve

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