
German Embassy London

Welcome to the website of the German Embassy London!

Deutsche Botschaft London - Kanzleigebäude

Address, opening hours, general information


German Embassy London

Postal address

23 Belgrave SquareLondon, SW1X 8PZ

Administrative / consular district

England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Isle of Wight, the British Channel Islands, Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).

Opening hours

Monday - Friday only with appointment



020 7824 1300


020 7824 1449


Ambassador Miguel Berger

Ambassador Miguel Berger

Today’s global challenges call for strong British-German cooperation. We stand together to reject aggression and defend democracy. Interaction between our societies is key to this relationship. It is these people-to-people connections that form the bedrock of our partnership.

Ambassador Miguel Berger
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