
Vehicle de-registration in Germany


The UK authority responsible for registration/deregistration/re-registration of motor vehicles in the United Kingdom is the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). You can find application forms and information at any British post office or online at:


Before exporting from Germany a motor vehicle registered in Germany, you must deregister the vehicle with the competent road traffic authority. You may also wish to apply for an export licence plate, as this will facilitate the import procedure.

If you register a vehicle in the UK, the DVLA will normally keep the German vehicle registration and proof-of-ownership document (Zulassungsbescheinigung I & II) and return it to the Federal Motor Vehicle Authority (Kraftfahrbundesamt) in Flensburg in accordance with EC Directive 1999/37/EC.

If your vehicle is currently still registered in Germany, you must send the German licence plates to the competent road traffic authority and deregister with them.

Further information on this is available from the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development at:


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