
Visa information


Welcome to Visa Services at the German Missions in the UK

The German Missions in the UK operate from both London and Edinburgh with two distinct jurisdictions and your place of residence determines which German Mission or Visa Application Centre you will need to contact to apply for your visa. Please refer to our consular district map for details. Certain categories of visas need to be applied for at Visa Application Centres run by our external service provider, TLScontact. TLScontact currently has three Visa Application Centres in operation, in London, Manchester and Edinburgh. Details on where to apply for your visa are available Where can I apply for my visa?.

Please note that we will only accept visa applications from UK residents, including foreign residents holding a UK Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) or a UK short-term study visa. If you are not a UK resident please apply to the German Mission in your country of residence. Likewise, non-resident British citizens need to file their application in their respective country of residence.

These pages contain comprehensive information on all visa requirements. We invite you to read carefully all information provided. We do appreciate that it may be easier for you to ask questions. However, we do not have sufficient staff capacity to respond to every query. Please be aware that we may choose not to respond to questions already answered on our website. Contact information can be found in our FAQs. Click here for information on data protection in the visa application process.

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